Adrift 2 Card - Jorge Llovet
Adrift 2 Card - Jorge Llovet
Jorge Llovet was born and raised in Barcelona, Spain. He pursued creative learning by earning a degree in graphic arts and photography and also earned a degree in business and in marketing management at Esade, a private business school in Barcelona.
Artists have always played an integral role in his life. His family owned and operated a pre-press atelier in Barcelona, where he grew up collaborating daily on printing projects with the local art community. During this time he developed a deep appreciation for the arts, learning many steps of the creative process.
Digital and analog photography both have a place in his portfolio, as he finds positives traits in both technologies. He prefers outdoor photography, mainly landscapes and architecture.
Travelling is an important part of his life, as he feels that it opens his mind and gives him a great opportunity to learn and understand about the world that we all live in.